Photos, videos, trending topics
Various groups, likes, hearts
Retweets, comments, re-grams
Snaps, stories
All from quote/end-quote “friends”

Every day
Buried beneath our selfies and social outrage
We are as callous as we are vain
our social bubbles and reinforcing our echo chambers until we realize
that we are like trains that have yet to leave the station
Stuck on the same path
Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth endlessly

When will it stop?
What is the Metro Center of our lives?
What connects our futures other than the internet?
Are we just a house of mirrors, of reflected intellect — or lack thereof?

Oh, this institution
It used to be simple message boards and “you’ve got mail”
But now it’s snowballed into a factory of conformity to the nth degree
Contributing to the increase of suicidal teens


I had to check my tweets
I’m sure the president has another decree
Pissing off the umpteenth group with whom he disagrees


Somebody snapped me
Puppy selfies never seem to lower self esteem
I guess I’ll play it safe again, how many have seen?


Will we ever be happy?
Will we forever be comparing ourselves to Daphne?


Are we truly present living behind screens?
Can we not simply be?

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